25 Oct

Lately I have been getting so ,so many requests to write articles for out blog. Especially articles about going to assisted living or a nursing home.

I would like to address that particular issue in this blog.

 It has become common knowledge that at some point seniors won't be capable of caring for themselves. This is a very mistaken knowledge with a completely false basis.

First of all seniors who take control of their own healthcare will not be taking as many drugs or medications that in turn render them incapable of even thinking straight, walking straight, seeing clearly, or being free of brain fog. I have experienced these phenomena's myself.  Diabetic medication, hypertension medications, Heart medications, pain medications and just many medications in general all have side effects. There is NO existing drug without side effects! For this reason you should not have to take a drug for the rest of your like. These drugs were created to treat symptoms and once you learn to treat the cause the need for drugs especially, at higher doses becomes unnecessary. Therefore, it is not old age that causes you tp lose balance and fall so many times. It is either a stroke left untreated with physical therapy or drugs.  I dare anyone to bring me a medication that has absolutely NO side effects. There are NONE! Even over the counter medications indeed have some kind of side effects, usually milder

The human body was not created to be dependent on drugs, but rather on nutrition and herbs and minerals. It is like putting sawdust in a car's gas tank. It will not fix it, only cover up the sounds for a while. This is what happens to the body. Modern medicine and big pharma have made a monopoly of  covering up symptoms not treating the causes of disease. That is exactly w2hy humans with chronic disease die anyway. When they do The coroner will say they died from the disease. He will never say they died from the drugs for the disease. But, think about it!.

I have researched Diabetes and found the fuel we put in our body can cure or reverse the disease.  I have reversed my own Diabetes in eight months from diagnosis. It would have been less time but, I was hindered in exercising due to balance problem from lack of physical therapy after my stroke. So I have been given  the suggestion of Thai Chi from my provider and I have used it to strengthen my body and get exercise. I have had a very hard road to travel but persisted and I am now suing every last one of the greedy perpetrators. You have to realize you have some years ,yes, but that means wisdom to seek answers and fight back. On my site I give ways for people to learn just as I have.  I will help anyone who wants to learn how to do what I did. I am putting together guides and informational packets to help others to get healthy and what they can do about these greedy medical perpetrators  from Doctors and nurses to hospitals and insurance companies. I am going to be seventy eight years old and everyone in my family lived to their  late nineties and several into their hundreds. I intend to continue to fix my own meals, make my bed, clean my house, shower and dress till the day I am too tired to go on and ready to meet my maker.

I have my own thoughts about healthcare today and I feel I am NOT far from wrong. What I am doing is working and I am even making my veins and arteries healthier through nutrition and life style.  Hence, there will be no articles from anyone else on our website, we need to be positive and work hard with a good provider to make  our diseases either go away or reverse or become managed without drugs. we may only live another 15 or 20 years but than can be the best years of our lives, free of all the suffering, confusion and isolation of medical treatments that harm us.

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