Everyone is shouting to get more legislation, more laws, and stiffer penalties. Let's stop all of the Nursing Homes from Abusing the Elderly!
Absolutely! We need all the laws we can get, and then some more! However, it WILL NOT STOP THE ABUSE. Why? Because who are you going to get to enforce all these laws?
The Police will not touch any of it without rock-hard evidence, The state Police will laugh at you and most county sheriff's Deputies will just tell you it is not worth their time.
The office of the Aging will tell you their hands are tied, and to call an Ombudsman.
The Ombudsman is there to help the Nursing Home so that will be a waste. Do you know why this is so??
Let me help you to learn about Elder Abuse Laws.
First of all, Grandma or Grandpa are already confused, and guess who controls their daily" Dementia cocktail?" You guessed it! The Abusers do. Grandpa and Grandma will not even be able to tell you what happened in a coherent way. So their babbling and confusion help Substantiate the story from the facility of how they tried to get up and fell and when staff was trying to help the resident was just strongly combative. Yes folks no law enforcement is going to even try to doubt medical staff.
Even if the officer is a bit suspicious himself he will not go against them. See they have all the documentation to prove their story. They have a thing called "The Chart" Now in this "chart" they put all events, procedures, behaviors, and every time the resident breathes a different way. This chart is signed, initialed, and considered gospel in a court of law. And there was in fact a time when that was true!.
However, times have changed and blankets of deceit have been created to protect the Nursing facility owners.
In Fact " The Chart" Has become laden with those blankets of conceit. Oh, woe is me, nothing is sacred any longer. That Chart gets filled with falsehoods and lies from day one.
So how will you get a prosecution? How will you have the perpetrator arrested? Grandma may say they hit her but she is so out of it most of the time who will believe her? Those bruises? They are going to become her own doing because she was aggressive and trying to fight everyone.
We have a very serious problem folks and no one knows what to do to find a solution.
We have politicians who help pass laws and it stops there! Do you say you want to sue them? How? The owners do not run their own facilities any longer. Noooo, they have management companies running them now so their hands are nice and squeaky clean. Besides you or someone in your family signed the Admission contract with a clause that states you will not sue or pursue any prosecution and instead you will go to Arbitration and hey, you will even pay for it! Read your admission contracts folks.
There are solutions and there are ways to beat them at their own games. You have to be Gutsy, Bold, and willing to fight back. We teach you how and we teach you all the dirty little tricks in the book they use. We help you win your own war and get them stopped, but you have to want to fight to win. Because when it all comes down to the fine line. You put your family member in that place. They will make you look like an ungrateful red-headed stepchild and the court will believe them. This is a terrible fight, one you have to win no matter how dirty it gets. In the end, it could have all been avoided, you did not have to put them there. Let us teach you how to do your homework first, Know where you are putting them and who will be caring for your beloved, as well as the alternatives that are available. We can help you understand, and make an informed decision. Our forthcoming pages are for that sole purpose.