Once again, I had a feeling of movement`, but was to druggy to open my eyes to look. I had been moved to the Cardiac floor and I suppose I was stable. When I did finally open my eyes, my daughter was there and that was the reassurance I needed. Just seeing I was not alone, I knew I would be alright.
If you ever need to go to a hospital make sure your family understands you should not be alone there. The only place you can be left alone is I.C.U or the Morgue. I am just being honest. I am speaking as an Elder care investigator. Doctors make decisions when you are not coherent enough to comprehend. And they make some very hefty financial decisions in their favor. Do NOT ever let that happen.A living will does not have any effect without a family member there to establish that. They can always say you did not give them the information that one exists. They can also override your decision if you are by yourself.
I know many of you think once you have a living will, you are home free/. Wrong! so very, Wrong!
As you will find out many private equity firms are owned by private groups of investors, like Lawyers, Business men, Industrial and tech giants some are even Doctors, from other countries. Let's get real. They invest to make money not save your life or anyone elses. Why would they care? They don't even know you! They will never see the people who died for the sake of profit!
The healthcare industry has become a multi trillion dollar conglomerate to make some people rich. It exists for no other reason. It is so far removed from personal care it has become profit margins and nothing else. Look at all the Doctors using TelePrompTers. They are removed from personally giving a hoot. Gone are the days of saving human lives. Gone are the acts of kindness, Gone are the Humane feelings and compassion. Those days are all gone with the advent overwhelming greed.
We need to all learn to take responsibility for overseeing our own healthcare.