28 Jun

 I have people call me, stop me on the street, and email me every day. They all want to know if the situations I describe here are really that bad?  Yes, they are, and worse!  I invite anyone of you to go spend the night in a Nursing facility, any Nursing Facility, just pick one. You will see and hear things that will give you nightmares and make you never want to enter one again. But, that won't happen and I will tell you why. They don't allow anyone to know the atrocities that take place on the night shift. They will tell you it is because of insurance. ( nonsense, anyone can sign a waiver for insurance).  As an investigator I spent many nights in a nursing home, yes I lied to get in there. I took sneaky photos, I interrogated the gals in the Laundry, and in some cases bribed them!

I saw bath blankets being bunched up between the legs of frail little old ladies for a long-term diaper that would hold that urine against her body and cause bed sores, this was great to eliminate the need for more staff at night. 

I saw residents who were dying being given " End Of Life" therapy. 

I saw psychotropic drugs given in dosages that would bring a horse down, used to keep the majority docile thus the need for staff was less. 

I saw laundry help, kitchen help and housekeeping staff all made to feed residents so they could get them finished and not need nursing staff to feed the demented. 

The hardest thing I saw was doctors ordering morphine mixed with drugs to stop the heart which was a form of euthanasia. 

It is getting rather prevalent nowadays. You see Medicaid pays so much for drugs and then when it appears there is no way that resident will recover it cuts back. Yes folks we have palliative care NOT curative care in nursing facilities. The Nursing Facility is truly the last stop before the funeral home, I know that is harsh but it is true.  

The staff is usually mean or short-tempered with the residents because they are tired from doing the work of two or three people and always work short-staffed. It catches up after a bit and the ones that hang on because they need the job so badly become irritable.

Nursing facilities have discovered the wonderful billing of Hospice and decided to take up that service as well except not legally. 

Then they can collect for therapy, palliative care, and skilled nursing. Super great! This makes the end of life worth another extra ten thousand to twenty thousand per person, thus the need to get them gone and admit some more. It is like a revolving service. They come, there a year or two at the most, and go. And the money just rolls in!   

Yes, these are real snakes that own these places. Would you like to know what kind of people they are? Try Doctors, Lawyers, Insurance men, and pharmaceutical companies. All great upstanding citizens!

It will blow your mind to look at the list of Nursing Home owners. Many many of them are groups of businessmen. and they could care less what kind of treatment those residents receive, We even caught some of them organizing facilities, getting them managed by companies, and selling them overseas. Is this the type of place you want to place your family member? Think about this for a while!

 Yes, Let's Stop Talking About Nursing Homes And Do something!

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