05 Feb

Women are really warriors when it comes to staying healthy and having all the responsibilities for all the health in their households.  The good Lord has really made them with built in armor against illness, so they can be the Gladiators who fight for their families in this world of disease, illness, and creeping crud. 

When the annual yuckies come around, and that is excluding all the alphabets of Covid, rather, just the annual Cold and Flu season is adequate for this article. 

Women get sick, on day one, maybe they go down for a few hours, maybe not. On day two they make homemade soup, sanitize the kitchen ( so no one else gets sick), and clean the house. On day three, they do laundry and go get groceries and medicine. At this point they are running on the concept of forcing fluids, working that virus to death, and just plain out running it!  Days four to fourteen cannot be used to self-nurse or try to attend to her own symptoms with any medication. ( she needs her strength to take care of the household)

. As we all know by day fourteen the viral infection could not keep up and the woman is feeling better thanks to power naps, super juice drinks, hot tea, and just plain determination. Her Viral infection is gone, she still has a bit of a cough and she cannot stop blowing her nose. Time to bring out the big guns and start sucking on coldeez. or  Zicam. This gets it all cleaned up nicely in just a few more days. Meanwhile, the woman has sanitized the entire house, made Jewish penicillin, a large pot of homemade Mulligan stew, and tended to a sick husband who was dying from day one. She goes on to fight another health battle another day.

 Meanwhile, Hubbie gets the flu on day two and goes down. He stays down for sixteen days. It is up to the Woman to see that he takes medication, drinks fluids, gets nourishment in him, and just takes over his duties while he is down. When asked how he feels there is never a positive answer, it is always " a little better" or "about the same.". 

All this time it becomes her job to see that he takes medications appropriately and does not just take whatever at random ( as men are known to do) and see that he drinks fluids to the point of nagging and making sure he does not run a fever. After his sixteen days he feels better and it is as if nothing ever happened. 

The woman gets to breathe a  sigh of relief and now perhaps maybe she can nurture herself a bit to get her health fully restored. 

As we all know men do not take care of people when they are sick. Fixing a grilled cheese sandwich and opening a can of Campbell's tomato soup is not taking care of a sick person. But hey, They try.  In their book, they performed surgery and other great endeavors. They would not know what to do if they had a dehydrated patient or someone could not walk. They will ask. Do you want to go to the hospital?  No one WANTS to go to the hospital! But common sense should intervene and tell a normal person, This patient does not look good, time to call the ambulance. It really makes you wonder how many women would still be alive if men just had a little medical common sense. How many heart attacks in women could have been avoided? 

Yes, this plight, which God-handed Women is not a great one. WE don't get a choice, we are the nurturers and for that reason, heaven is full of Women. Yep, they are all Angels and they do God's work on a daily basis. Thank Goodness.

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