Somewhere in my drugged state I found myself semi waking to some nurses talking and recognizing my cubicle had in fact changed to a room with windows looking outside, I looked around as much as I possibly could in the drug induced sleep state I was in and realized this could be the I.C.U. I remember feeling a wave of relief. If this was the Intensive Care Unit then there would be Nurses who knew what they were doing! Thank God! I was finally in capable hands. My weakness collapsed back into a deep sleep. My coldness was met with warm blankets. Much later I awoke again to felling I was moving. I felt cold and I opened my eyes to a room with Nurses and a bed they transferred me to. But I was still so cold. I vaguely remember hot, toasted blankets covering me as I fell back into a welcome sleep.I felt safe, believing I was still in the capable hands of ICU Nurses.
There are many aspects of a hospital, however, I.C.U. is, without a doubt, the most professional, most knowledgeable, most caring floor, in my experience, of any hospital. These Nurses may laugh and appear light hearted as they go about their many duties on a daily basis, but, You will never find a more dedicated, caring, tireless, hard working team anywhere in the health industry. Under that light hearted laughter lies a whole lot of true grit and determination that makes a patient recover when the odds are all stacked against them. I have always said ,"God sent his best angels to staff the Intensive Care Units all across America."