28 Jun

Now, with this new pandemic the Democratic Governors are showing their greed over the payouts from CMS for covid 19 cases. 

They are keeping Elders prisoners, not allowing visitors, ( of course CMS can take credit for that punishment to Elders.) 

The state of New York has a Governor who ordered covid 19 cases brought into Nursing Homes, so that really helped speed up the death rate of Elders. Oh yes! The money was just rolling in for that state!

But wait! It gets Better!!! The nursing homes have taken the privilege of  Cremating the bodies without even notifying next of kin! I am still trying to find out how this can possibly be legal when even prisons have to release bodies to families after la lethal injection of the death penalty!! I want that federal statute because I know it will be important in suing these places. If a prison cannot cremate remains, how does a Nursing home obtain this privilege ??????

Isn't the act of disposing of human remains still a felony in all 50 states???  You do understand the act of killing Elders is nothing new? They have been doing this for decades. They have contrived every single method of milking the Eldercare system and then destroying them. From End of life therapy to covid-19  they are getting rich. How is this possible? Well now let's see....The CMS pays all bills for Medicare and Medicaid so they have the almighty power of making decisions simply because they pay the bills! Yes, that is exactly how it happens. They will tell you they pay the bills with taxpayers' monies and therefore They have an obligation to the taxpayers or accountability. 

This is the biggest scam our country has to be proud of next to college student loans! 

When you work you and your employer must pay 2.9% collectively taxes on every single dollar you make! If you were ever self-employed you would have paid the entire 2.9% tax yourself on every dollar you ever made. That is in addition to social security taxes. So if you went to work at sixteen or eighteen whichever the case may happen to be,  and drew social security at sixty-five ( which they hope you will draw at the full retirement age) you would have paid into that system for forty-seven or forty-nine years. There are fifty-two weeks in a year so you paid a lot! Now add compound interest for those forty-some years and you gave them a hell of a  lot more than they give you for a couple of years! Yea that's a scam! Then they want you to have supplemental insurance! Aren't they just so cute?

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