28 Jun
I am going to make a whole lot of enemies with this post, not that I haven't already. If it wakes a few and jiggles some consciousness' then it is well worth it. Everyone we talk to has the same complaint.
 People are rude, there is no trustworthiness, and everyone just wants to grab your money. No one cares about anyone else anymore. The whole of society is just looking out for themselves. It all comes down to this... RESPECT!

There is no respect. Not for their spouse, their mate, significant other, or their own mother or aunt or sister, or grandmother. Respect has been eradicated from society in the last few decades. That's correct! 

Think about all the craziness we have seen in the last twenty to thirty years! There is not even self-respect! If there was do you really think women would be parading in C__T hats??  Think of this for just a moment. If you want a man to treat you well, be considerate, look out for you and care about you and your feelings, and stop disgracing yourself.  If you don't respect yourself how and why would anyone else respect you!  Mostly this fault is because of women.  Yes, I said women(  this is going to really make them mad).

They don't teach their children to have respect so as they become adults they have no idea what respect is!  Little boys are taught to do what they want.

 A perfect example is this: I had a yard sale and we put a lot of boxes on the curb for trash. This little boy about seven years old come along and started digging in these boxes. I told him to please be very careful because there was broken glass in those boxes and we would not want him to get cut.
 He left and went and got his mom. She proceeded to stand there with her arms folded and making sure no one said anything to her boy while he rummaged through boxes. What exactly was she teaching him? She had absolutely no concern for his safety and was all about him being able to do what he wanted.
 This same woman will never get a man to respect her. Why? she has no self-respect and her same son will grow up to be disrespectful to her because she taught him how.

What happened to common courtesy? Where did manners go? when did this society decide to become commoners without social graces? This is so sad. Unless we start teaching respect and we start exhibiting some for ourselves, we are on a downhill slide to hell. We all complain about how bad things are. The Democrats hate Trump and blame him for everything and anything. Has anyone really looked around and figured out why they hate him so bad, It is because he is a man of respect. He has respect for himself and others. They hate that about him. This country will be destroyed if we do not sit up and take notice and start using respect in our everyday lives, and for goodness sake teach our children.
Think about it.... do you want everyone you encounter to treat you like crap? Or do you want people to look at you as a decent person?  Isn't it time we became civil again and started acting like decent ladies and Gents instead of bums and harlots and whatever? I know strong language.. take a look in a mirror and you tell me.
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