We have listened to Dr. Fauci and all the experts. We have followed the science. We are still confused.
We were told in and around the month of March 2020 to stay inside, practice social distancing, not touch our faces, and disinfect all surfaces.
Then we were told that vitamin D helps build our immunity against Covid 19. We were advised by all the experts to take Vitamin D supplements and wear our masks. ( so we could make ourselves sick) .
I apologize, I am confused. In my College training and advanced Master's degree training, I was specifically taught the rays of sunshine were the most direct form of vitamin D, Next, fortified whole milk was a strong source of vitamin D. So why were we told to stay inside? Why were we not told to drink whole milk?
It seems we were given expert advice to wreck our immune systems by staying inside and breathing in our own carbon dioxide. Albeit, it is a small source and our autoimmune system will cause us to breathe automatically, what about the elderly who may have minor COPD or Heart disease? Why aren't the experts telling them to sit on their patios or decks and drink a cup of tea or even better, a glass of milk, in the sunshine, minus the masks, because they would be more than six feet from the road or street? It appears the experts who want us to follow the science have absolutely NO common sense! We may be old but we are not stupid!