While we try to maneuver this pandemic, we are seeing many reports of negative results from the Covid vaccines. We encourage everyone to do their research in deciding whether to get the vaccine or not. Make an informed decision, please? Personally in my household, we are taking omega 3, D 3, and lots of super c vitamins as well as using precautions. My spouse and I are both O-type blood and that is a consideration in our decisions. We do practice social distancing, We wear masks when we leave our home, and we do not entertain so yes in some ways we are isolated. However, we use our computers to chat in groups in which we have interests, we do keep in touch with family and close friends by face time and telephone, so we are not in a depressive environment.
It is important to have human contact, even if by screen only! It is very important to be a part of a community, whether that be your church, clubs, or family. That can be done, once again by computer. If you do not know what programs to use, Skype is a great app that you can join and have real-time conversations with friends and relatives. All you younger folks who want to keep in touch, one of you put on a mask, grab some gloves, and a can of Lysol, and go to the elder's house, then download the Skype for them. print out the instructions or better yet! Write them down one by one so they can follow them. Wipe down everything and go home to skype them! You will have them started!
Next, let's all find a positive to help offset this negative situation. My household has decided we stock up on groceries that are on sale, like can goods and pasta. We are finding we are saving money by doing so.
Another great advantage to being in our home so much is we have begun making small repairs and touchups that we would ordinarily only do when we sold a home. But now it looks new all the time.
Personally, I have started to downsize and we are getting stuff advertised to sell like two of the three sets of china and the many, many vintage pieces we acquired as favorite relatives downsized and blessed us with these wonderful gifts. I refer to the raining oil lamps and the huge soup tureens or silver serving sets, and let us not forget the monstrous encyclopedia sets we all had to have as newlyweds! along with the flatware and daily dishes. That old Pyrex set we had to have is now worth a small fortune!
So use this time to declutter our homes and lives. This is a great time to reassess our beliefs' and renew old relationships. This is a wonderful time to really look at what is most valuable to us.
Doing these things helps us not be depressed but instead when we look at all our old treasures we are actually impressed, with both objects and people.
Use this terrible time to make your life better! It really is a new era and a new world.