Since March of 2020, we have been deprived of paying our respects to our loved ones who pass. We are conditioned to have no feelings for those who die. Why do I say this? Think about the whole process, How is a corpse going to spread a virus? People gather to pay respects and pray. Social distancing is NOT possible in Funeral homes? Explain that to me, please? The viewing is always over several hours, and people come and go during that time. If that is not social distancing I don't know what is. Of course, Catholics have the Rosery and I suppose praying is going to cause everyone to contact Covid 19
After all, going to church has been determined unfit for Christians. We need to bury our loved ones like Christian believers and tell the government to mind its own business. I have not heard of one single case of Covid contacted in a graveyard yet! Why are we letting the government bully us with a phony virus they created? Because just like the Jews in Germany, we lie in fear. We need to wake up and stop being bullied!