My husband and I attend mass each Sunday as we are in fact cradle Catholics and feel as if something is missing when we don't go to communion.
This morning while in mass it became terribly difficult to hear the gospel or the sermon due to small children crying, yelling out, and roaming over the pews. This became rather annoying. I began to really notice the number of young families with small children. This caused me to wonder what ever happened to Sunday school. Parents use to send their children to Sunday school and they would attend nine o'clock mass independently while the children went to mass in groups with the good nuns who were each in charge of a grade. In addition, there was a Mother's room at the back of the church where Mother's of small children could enjoy the mass and the crying or cranky infant or toddler did not interrupt the priest.
Today there is no Mother's room and it makes it difficult to have any solemnity while at worship.
The mother's do not seem to see their toddlers running up and down the kneelers in the pews and the loud voices of their children seem to be so precious to these young parents.
I don't hate children, I love children I raised five of my own and a few foster children. Yet, I taught each one to respect our Lord's house and his presence. They dressed up to go to church or Sunday school and they did not raise their voice for any reason.
They learned to RESPECT the Lord and his house. They did so through their parent coaching and examples, as well as the good nuns who were their teachers. Today it is a free for all.
I get the impression that, as long as you show up and tithe, you can do what you want. Wear jeans with holes in the knees, chew gum, talk, let your kids roam free, whatever. There is no respect, no reverence, no humility and certainly no order for the mass.
While I observed all of these I also observed the dress and demeanor of the adults. It looked like someone had herded a group from a backyard barbecue into church. I was so disheartened.
I am from New York and a proud parishioner of St. Patricks Cathedral. I received all my sacraments from St Patricks as did my parents and grandparents. My upbringing was completely centered around our faith. I realize the world has changed, however, when I had been in the East a couple of years ago things still seemed the same. Sunday was a special day and church was still the Lord's house.
Could this just be a midwestern attitude? I had not noticed this big difference until lately.
I am so disgusted by this, I pray that it will change.